Approach and Framework
The Articles of Incorporation and other regulations associated with our compliance framework shall serve as a code of conduct for officers and employees to always act in compliance with existing laws, the Articles of Incorporation, and societal norms. In addition, the General Affairs & CSR Department shall oversee compliance initiatives across various departments to ensure strict compliance and play a central role in conducting training, etc., for officers and employees. The Internal Audit Office collaborates with the General Affairs & CSR Department and the Human Resources Department to audit the status of compliance. These activities shall be periodically reported to the Board of Directors and the Audit and Supervisory Committee.
The Company has established and operates a whistleblowing hotline as a means for employees and others to directly provide information on any legally questionable conduct, etc.
Risk Management
Approach and Framework
The Company ensures the propriety of its corporate activities by receiving the necessary advice from legal advisers, etc., with regard to important legal decisions and compliance-related matters. In addition, as the department tasked with promoting compliance, the General Affairs & CSR Department conducts training sessions, etc., for the Company’s employees to ensure that everyone is fully aware of the importance of compliance throughout the Company.
Engagement in BCP (business continuity planning)

In the aftermath of the Great East Japan Earthquake of March 2011, companies are aware now more than ever of the importance of risk management to deal with emergency situations such as natural disasters and accidents.
So that our customers do not experience supply bottlenecks in our product services, Furuya Metal is strengthening its ability to continue business operations in the event of an emergency situation that causes us to suspend production activities.
Basic Policy on the Proper Handling of Individual Numbers and Specific Personal Information
Furuya Metal Co., Ltd. will properly handle all individual numbers and specific personal information (“Specific Personal Information, etc.”) in compliance with the Act on the Use of Numbers to Identify a Specific Individual in Administrative Procedures (“Numbers Act”), the Act on the Protection of Personal Information (“Personal Information Protection Act”), as well as the Guidelines for Proper Handling of Specific Personal Information (for Private Entities).
Name of Entity
Furuya Metal Co., Ltd.
Purposes of Use
The Company will handle Specific Personal Information, etc., within the following scope.
Administrative work related to the individual numbers of employees and their dependents, etc.
- Tax-related procedures and preparation of forms such as withholding certificates, etc.
- Submission of declarations, notifications, and applications concerning property accumulation pension savings
- Labor insurance-related procedures
- Social insurance-related procedures
- Preparation of reports of payment for employee stock ownership associations
Administrative work related to the individual numbers of individuals who are external individual payees, etc.
- Tax-related procedures and preparation of reports of payment for remuneration, fees, property usage fees, etc.
Matters Concerning Protection of Specific Personal Information
The Company has separately stipulated internal regulations aimed at the appropriate management of Specific Personal Information, etc., including the prevention of its leakage, loss, or damage. We will commit ourselves to duly comply with these regulations.
Handling of Outsourcing
The Company may outsource the handling of Specific Personal Information, etc., to third parties. In such cases, we will exercise the necessary and appropriate supervision over the party to which such work is outsourced in accordance with the Numbers Act and the Personal Information Protection Act.
Continuous Improvement
The Company strives to continuously improve its handling of Specific Personal Information, etc.
Points of Contact for Inquiries and Complaints
Inquiries and complaints concerning the Company’s handling of Specific Personal Information, etc., may be submitted by phone, mail, or email.
(By phone)
Human Resources Department, Furuya Metal Co., Ltd.
Tel. 03-5977-3377
9:00 AM to 5:00 PM (excluding New Year’s holidays, weekends, national holidays, and company holidays)
(By mail)
2-37-5 Minamiotsuka, Toshima-ku, Tokyo 170-0005
C/O: Specific Personal Information Helpdesk, Furuya Metal Co., Ltd.
(By email)
Email address: